Santa Lechuga

The life and times of the forgotten community of Santa Lechuga and the ravings of its more esteemed resident, Joe Livernois.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


My checklist to develop Rancho San Rancho:

* Assess the political climate for new subdivisions in Monterey County.

* Delude self into believing that everyone in Monterey County will happily embrace Rancho San Rancho's modern and state-of-the-art "new ruralism" design.

* Lie to investors about political climate in Monterey County.

* Hire local attorney who "knows how the system works."

* Memorize this line: "Rancho San Rancho will solve the local housing crisis."

* Show up at planning department with top-notch plans for Rancho San Rancho development. Fill out complicated development application.

* Election day is approaching: Contribute to friendly political candidates.

* Stop all agricultural production on Rancho San Rancho immediately so experts can later declare at public hearings that farming on the property is "not viable."

* Friendly candidate is facing tougher campaign than expected. Send more money.

* Cool heels for two or three years until planning department finally gets around to Rancho San Rancho development application.

* Make donation to local charity to indicate willingness to be a part of the community.

* Call newspaper editor to explain why donation to local charity should be tomorrow's banner headline.

* Hang out in area near Rancho San Rancho to shmooze with nagging neighbors.

* Shrug off nagging neighbors' concerns about water and traffic; hire hydrologists and engineers willing to prove Rancho San Rancho will actually improve the water supply and reduce highway traffic.

* Explain "new ruralism," using big and confusing words that nagging neighbors won't understand.

* Good news: Planning department finally got around to Rancho San Rancho application. Bad news: Environmental reports will cost thousands and will delay project another year or two.

* Quick! Send nocturnal poachers to Rancho San Rancho to capture red-legged frogs and other pesky endangered critters before environmental consultant shows up for inspection.

* Assure anxious investors that Rancho San Rancho application is "moving right along."

* Host extravagant party at AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am and invite every public official who might someday be asked to approve Rancho San Rancho.

* Listen with condescending patience while nagging neighbors and stupid no-growthers rip Rancho San Rancho to shreds during public hearings.

* Instruct attorney to counteract stupid no-growthers' testimony by declaring that Rancho San Rancho will solve housing crisis.

* Pretend that outcome was ever in doubt by profusely thanking governing board after it inevitably approves Rancho San Rancho.

* Hang around shopping malls to badger volunteers collecting signatures to stop Rancho San Rancho.

* Mumble profanities when nagging neighbors file lawsuits challenging Rancho San Rancho.

* Explain to investors why original summation of political climate was seriously flawed.

* Wait a few years, then return to planning department with "new and improved" plan for Rancho San Rancho.


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