Santa Lechuga

The life and times of the forgotten community of Santa Lechuga and the ravings of its more esteemed resident, Joe Livernois.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Merry Xmas From the Bushisms

Dear (fill in the blanks):

Yes, it's that time of year again. Time to receive these generic, mass produced letters from family and friends, telling you about stuff that happened.

Suffice to say, this year has been a challenging but easy year.

As you've probably heard, George got elected again, so we won't be changing our address for another four years.

George was real thrilled, and he celebrated by locking himself in the den so he could watch a football game without being distracted by freedoms and consequences. He promised he would not attempt to eat pretzels while he was in there (ha-ha!).

The family spent a lot of time "on the road" this year. We had a good time, for the most part, and met many nice freedom-principled people along the way. Unfortunately, George's business schedule placed us in Ohio much of the time and if we ever see Cleveland and Toledo again it
will not be too soon enough.

Because of this busy schedule, we have not vacationed our work down to the ranch as often as we would like. With everything that has been unraveling in the world of international lately, George is wrapped up in a lot of hard work. Some people who watch him on the job see his jaunty demeanor and get the mistaken impression that his job is easy. But it is hard work and he works real hard.

Still, there is a lot of detractioners who say mean and untrue things about George. They got his comeuppance this year.

Nevertheless, George is an optimistic person. As he always says, if you want to find something to be pessimistic about, you can find it, no matter how hard you look.

In this trying times, George wants to be a unificator. As you know, our enemies are innovative and resourceful and they never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither does George.

George has been thinking about the future we have in store for us and he wants his dear friends to know that life could be lousy, life could be OK or life could be better. But then, he was just guessing as to what the conditions might be like.

Jenna managed to get through the University of Texas without embarrassing the family too profoundly, and she got a job teaching at a public school not far from our home. We are so pleased that Jenna decided to get into teaching because we believe the illiteracy level of
our children are so appalling.

Little Barbara is not yet sure what she is going to do with her Yale degree in humanities, though George has suggested she get a job in a humanities field, since agriculture will soon be the wave of the future.

We are grateful their sexual persuasions has not become an issue. The poor Cheneys!

But we lead a blessed existence and we look forward to restoring order and chaos during the coming years.

In closing, we would like to extend our best wishes during the holiday season. And George would like to remind everyone of the saying they have in Tennessee, that everyone should love their neighbors, just like they would like to love themselves.

The Bushisms


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