Santa Lechuga

The life and times of the forgotten community of Santa Lechuga and the ravings of its more esteemed resident, Joe Livernois.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Mugging for the Camera

The staff and management would be remiss if they failed to remind
consumers to enjoy the Year of the Monkey.

It goes without saying that this will be a special year for the Joe
Livernois Column, which was established on the bedrock belief that the
effective use of monkeys can be a vital tool in encouraging public
debate and the understanding of the burning issues we face as a

Plus, monkeys are funny little buggers.

We are proud that the Joe Livernois Column is recognized as the first
column in a newspaper of general circulation to make routine use of
monkeys and other primates to illustrate the important issues that
confront the new millennium.

You can't go wrong if you've got a monkey in your corner.

This time-honored truism has been embraced by Dennis Miller, the
professional outraged satirist and failed Monday Night Football color
commentator who generally makes the Joe Livernois Column look like
Shirley Temple.

Miller has a new gig as the latest angry white person on CNBC.

Miller will have his own talk show, but he quickly realized that it
will be difficult to distinguish himself from the pack of angry white
persons who now crowd the radio and television airwaves like rats in a Brooklyn
tenement unless he had a gimmick.

What better gimmick than a monkey?

According to recent reports, Miller will employ a real live monkey to
serve as his co-host, in tribute to the pioneering television primate,
J. Fred Muggs.

As most current AARP card-holders will recall, Muggs was a huge star
back in the days when he co-hosted the "Today" show on NBC.

Back in its infancy, the Today show was a miserable failure and NBC
executives were about to pull the plug until someone got the bright
idea in 1953 that a chimp should be employed to join Dave Garroway as a

Of course, the show became a huge success, even after Muggs was
replaced on the show with Geraldo Rivera's moustache. Muggs is credited with
paving the way in the entertainment industry for Clyde, the orangutan
who starred in those Clint Eastwood films, and for Chuck Norris.

Miller's producers wanted to name Miller's monkey "J. Fred Muggs,"
according to the reports, but learned that the real J. Fred Muggs is
still alive and well and is in fact the curator of Michael Jackson's
Elephant Man exhibit in Wonderland.

(Editor's note: We're only making up part of this.)

The producers wisely decided to name Miller's monkey "Muggsy," after
learning that J. Fred Muggs is still very bitter and prone to

Anyway, the idea is to dress Muggsy in color-coded T-shirts that will
correspond with the terror-alert level and have him sit in on some

Miller is understandably thrilled to be using a monkey as a prop.

‘‘He’s young. He’s a comer,’’ Miller said. ‘‘And he’s still not too
jaded to throw fecal matter at you like the original.’’

Thursday, January 08, 2004


Dear Earthlings,
We hope you get this postcard. We are having a wonderful time, wish you were here.
As you may have noticed from the photo on the front, Mars seems to be a lifeless, rock-strewn chunk of an orbiting sphere. However, once you spend time here, you'll also notice that Mars was once a thriving life-bearing planet, complete with flowing water, a comfortable atmosphere and advanced premium outlet shopping malls featuring The Gap and Wal-Mart.
There are not many of us left after the great environmental apocalypse of Mars. Who'd have thought aerosol cans could destroy a planet, eh?
Anyway, those of us who survived are getting along quite nicely down here at the planet's core. We burrowed under and created a civilization beneath the surface, which is why you can't see us.
Next time you send over a robot, tell him to bring along some reading material. We're getting tired of drawing pictures on the cave walls.
The Martians

Dear Martians,
Thanks for writing. Sorry to hear about your environmental disaster.
Nevertheless, we are thrilled to learn there is life on Mars. It never occured to us to look beneath the surface.
You haven't seen Osama bin Laden down there, have you? (ha-ha!)
We are glad you are doing well, despite the difficulties, and we are willing to send the folks from Halliburton Co. to Mars to help with the rebuilding process. Also, our friends at the State Department say they would love to send agents up to help you reestablish a civilized society.
We have honored your request for reading material and are sending along material that might help you learn more about our civilization. Please find enclosed a copy of the Declaration of Independence, the complete works of Shakespeare, the Bible and the Koran, Microsoft's annual report, and a tattered copy of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."
The Earthlings

Dear Earthlings,
Thanks for your kind offer of assistance.
You should probably know that there's not much here on Mars that would be of benefit to Earth. We had a lot of oil, but its all gone now. In fact, the survivors of the environmental apocalypse are now living between the shale deposits that once produced oil on our planet. We have no trees, no energy sources, no valuable minerals.
Nevertheless, we could use any help you have to offer. Let's talk.
The Martians

Dear Martians,
Well, it's been nice talking to you.
We'd love to help. But, as it turns out, we have a lot of other important things to do right now.
Keep in touch. Let us know if we can send a shipment of food or clothes, or something.
The Earthlings

Friday, January 02, 2004


Thursday, January 01, 2004


Things to accomplish in 2004, which is the Year of the Monkey:

* Find leash for monkey.
* Organize first annual "Concours d'Ugly Trucks" in Prunedale.
* Start faddish diet that works for six weeks until body is too weak to
* Take scuba lessons.

* Celebrate dynamic new breakthroughs in nematode research at upcoming
alfalfa forum.
* Divert local tax crusaders to Natividad Medical Center emergency room
when sick.
* Learn new language.

* Improve political knowledge by reading every book written by Michael
Savage, Michael Moore, Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken.
* Sign up for groping lessons with governor.
* Organize "Dukes of Hazzard Tribute and Film Festival" in Prunedale.
* Take skydiving lessons.

* Lead campaign to place Bill Clinton's image on $3 bill.
* Solve California's pesky budget problem.
* Get up-to-date on ever-important Scott Peterson criminal proceedings.
* Take marimba lessons.

* Share cognac, cigar and meaningful conversation with Sen. Jeff Denham.
* Release new hip-hop album.
* Put Prunedale vacation home up on blocks.
* Join Oprah Book Club.

* Travel to France; call citizens pansies for making love, not war.
* Stay at the Paris Hilton.
* Appear on Larry King Live.
* Learn to keep big mouth shut.

* Win contract to rebuild Iraq.
* Deny role in scandal.
* Hire attorney.
* Complain about meddling prosecutors.
* Plead to lesser charge.
* Take macrame lessons from Martha Stewart.

* Apply for patent for epoxy-cement method to secure unstable earthquake
* Sell Prunedale fashion line to Wal-Mart.
* Clear out schedule for cameo appearance in next Clint Eastwood film.
* Take acting lessons.

* Initiate rigorous iron-pumping regimen in preparation for
gubernatorial campaign.
* Find Osama, weapons of mass destruction and Gray Davis' soul.
* Organize "Exploding Meth Lab Festival" in Prunedale.
* Declare individuality with obnoxious new tattoo.

* See San Francisco Giants win the World Series.
* Eliminate future references to primates from columns.
* Learn to play violin.

* Win contract to count votes in Florida.
* Declare presidential winner.
* Discover misplaced boxes of ballots found in belly of alligator.
* Declare new presidential winner.
* Get appointed to winner's cabinet.

* Teach old dog new tricks.
* Find beggar who is a chooser.
* Judge a book by its cover.
* Remove good intentions from path to hell.
* Return to drawing board.
* Eliminate clichés from vocabulary.