Pat Robertson shot off his mouth again this week, proving once again that Darwin's survival-of-the-fittest theory is indeed flawed.
If Darwin was right, how could he explain Pat Robertson?
If we were to believe Charles Darwin, who himself was unable to survive and who eventually croaked in 1882, organisms naturally morph into survival beings that allow them to prosper in their environment.
Yet, somehow, Pat Robertson has managed to survive all these years despite giving every indication that he has not advanced beyond biological and intellectual standards that place him -- in the evolutionary order of things -- on line with the common orangutan.
Not only that, but Pat Robertson has actually done quite well for himself, establishing a successful media empire, and he has political aspirations. In that regard, his evolutionary progress has not even advanced beyond that of Ted Turner.
Robertson, who professes to be a "Christian leader," blathered on his television show this week that the United States ought to send assassins down to Venezuela to execute Hugo Chavez.
The following day, following the inevitable furor that typically accompanies the wacky things Robertson says, Robertson backtracked somewhat, offering an apology. He then said he didn't actually say that Chavez ought to be assassinated, per se, but, even if he did say Chavez should be erased, he meant it in a nice way and, anyway, whatever he said at least brought awareness of the Hugo Chavez problem.
By all accounts, Chavez is a major problem in South America, inasmuch as he speaks a foreign language and is the evolutionary equivalent of Fidel Castro, who is reputed to be Cro-Magnon himself.
Whether Chavez deserves a good, old-fashioned CIA-sanctioned murder remains to be seen.
If Chavez is getting advice from Fidel, the better alternative for the United States might be simply to wait a couple of decades. If we wait long enough, the entire country of Venezuela will go the way of Cuba: driven to a collective state of terminal boredom brought on by listening to long-winded speeches and driving around in 40-year-old Volkswagens.
Also, we've got enough demons knocking on our door. If we really need to assassinate bad guys, there's plenty of sorry excuses out there we should get to first. Chavez will just have to take his place in the back of the line.
Nevertheless, it's disappointing to hear a religious leader say such a thing. In one fell swoop, Pat Robertson again miscommunicated the Christian message to legions of unbelievers who will unfortunately dismiss average Christians as a bunch of kooky hypocrites.
Over the years, Robertson has also told his viewers that the State Department ought to be nuked, that feminism encourages women to "leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
He also predicted that homosexual activity leads to "earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor."
He also counseled that Planned Parenthood naturally teaches bestiality to children, and Robertson is a chief proponent of the abolition of Halloween.
Yet, somehow, Pat Robertson survives.
Evolution obviously has nothing to do with it. If nothing else, Pat Robertson's survival can only be attributable to an Intelligent Designer with a sense of satire.
Pat Robertson shot off his mouth again this week, proving once again that Darwin's survival-of-the-fittest theory is indeed flawed.
If Darwin was right, how could he explain Pat Robertson?
If we were to believe Charles Darwin, who himself was unable to survive and who eventually croaked in 1882, organisms naturally morph into survival beings that allow them to prosper in their environment.
Yet, somehow, Pat Robertson has managed to survive all these years despite giving every indication that he has not advanced beyond biological and intellectual standards that place him -- in the evolutionary order of things -- on line with the common orangutan.
Not only that, but Pat Robertson has actually done quite well for himself, establishing a successful media empire, and he has political aspirations. In that regard, his evolutionary progress has not even advanced beyond that of Ted Turner.
Robertson, who professes to be a "Christian leader," blathered on his television show this week that the United States ought to send assassins down to Venezuela to execute Hugo Chavez.
The following day, following the inevitable furor that typically accompanies the wacky things Robertson says, Robertson backtracked somewhat, offering an apology. He then said he didn't actually say that Chavez ought to be assassinated, per se, but, even if he did say Chavez should be erased, he meant it in a nice way and, anyway, whatever he said at least brought awareness of the Hugo Chavez problem.
By all accounts, Chavez is a major problem in South America, inasmuch as he speaks a foreign language and is the evolutionary equivalent of Fidel Castro, who is reputed to be Cro-Magnon himself.
Whether Chavez deserves a good, old-fashioned CIA-sanctioned murder remains to be seen.
If Chavez is getting advice from Fidel, the better alternative for the United States might be simply to wait a couple of decades. If we wait long enough, the entire country of Venezuela will go the way of Cuba: driven to a collective state of terminal boredom brought on by listening to long-winded speeches and driving around in 40-year-old Volkswagens.
Also, we've got enough demons knocking on our door. If we really need to assassinate bad guys, there's plenty of sorry excuses out there we should get to first. Chavez will just have to take his place in the back of the line.
Nevertheless, it's disappointing to hear a religious leader say such a thing. In one fell swoop, Pat Robertson again miscommunicated the Christian message to legions of unbelievers who will unfortunately dismiss average Christians as a bunch of kooky hypocrites.
Over the years, Robertson has also told his viewers that the State Department ought to be nuked, that feminism encourages women to "leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
He also predicted that homosexual activity leads to "earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor."
He also counseled that Planned Parenthood naturally teaches bestiality to children, and Robertson is a chief proponent of the abolition of Halloween.
Yet, somehow, Pat Robertson survives.
Evolution obviously has nothing to do with it. If nothing else, Pat Robertson's survival can only be attributable to an Intelligent Designer with a sense of satire.